Jump Drive - Space Engineers Wiki (2025)

Large Ship / Station
Jump Drive



Steel Plate20

Construction Component40



Superconductor Component1,000

Power Cell120

Detector Components20

Gravity Generator Components20

Metal Grid50

Steel Plate40

Dimensions (W,H,L)3,3,2




Build time120s

Max Jump Distance2,000km


Max Jump Mass1,250,000kg

Max Stored Power3MWh


Max Required Input32MW


Power Consumer GroupCharging

Is AirtightYes

PCU Cost100

BrowseLast edit: 2020-04-15


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Usage
    • 2.1 Uranium usage
    • 2.2 Maximum jump distance
  • 3 Useful coordinates
  • 4 Media
  • 5 Tips
  • 6 Programming
  • 7 Update History


The Jump Drive allows for instantaneous relocation to a distant location. Once activated, the block initiates a short countdown, then stretches the screen and teleports the ship to its new coordinates. This is faster-than-light (FTL) capability.


The Jump Drive is only available for large grids. Its dimensions are 3,3,2 large blocks. Before use it must be charged like a battery; maximum storage is 3MWh


, and its maximum charge rate is 32MW


. Like Batteries, charging incurs a 20% energy loss. It will take 7minutes and 1second to fully charge if power is unrestricted. Once fully charged, the block can be activated to jump. This will expend stored energy. Jump distance is proportional to energy expended and inversely proportional to the mass of the ship. Multiple drives may be combined to extend range.

Jump drives will not activate unless there is at least one drive on the ship at 100% charge (making multiple consecutive jumps require additional, preserved drives), will not jump the ship less than 5000 meters, and will not jump within 2km of any object (attempting to do so will result in a shortened jump). The Jump drive will not activate if the ship is attached to a station or anything immobile such as stations attached to or embedded in asteroids. In addition, the Jump Drive will not activate if the drive or any part of the ship it's a part of is currently within at least 0.05 G of natural gravity (eg. a Planet); nor can it jump into such a natural gravitational field. The jump will also fail if there is a planet or moon blocking the line of sight to the jump point.

The jump must be activated from a "main" cockpit, by use of a toolbar, and will start a short countdown. The jump may be aborted by turning off the jump drive, but the energy will still be lost. The jump may be a "blind jump", in which the ship advances X meters forward in whatever direction it happens to be facing (relax; you can't jump into anything), or a jump to/towards a GPS point. Configuration is done through the control panel and activation is done from the cockpit toolbar.

Ships attached by connector or landing gear will be dragged along for the ride, as will any astronauts in cockpits, control stations, flight seats, or passenger seats. Any ship or astronaut not so connected will be left behind, regardless of whether they were inside an enclosed space, so watch that you do not accidentally leave friends or equipment behind.

Calculation of energy costs and maximum distance and designation of which blocks will jump appears to be done when the jump command is given. A ship docking after the countdown begins but before the jump will be left behind. This prevents obtaining a cheap jump by activating a drive on a smaller ship then engaging landing gear connecting it to a large one.

Uranium usage

What does this mean in terms of uranium?

Charging a jump drive from empty to fully charged requires 3.0 kilograms of Uranium Ingots. A default red ship (2,585,761 kilograms) can go 1933.67 kilometers on its two jump drives (6 MWh, total). This indicates a cost of 1.2*10^-12 MWh/(kg*m). Translated: moving one million kilograms of ship the minimum jump distance of 5km requires 0.006 kilograms of uranium ingots. One uranium ingot will get a million kilos of ship 833 kilometers.

Maximum jump distance

Maximum jump distance for any ship depends on two things:

  1. Mass of the ship (and everything that is docked to it with connectors and/or landing gears)
  2. The number of fully charged Jump Drives the ship has

Any ship that has mass equal to or less than 1,250,000kg has a maximum jump distance of 2,000km


for each fully charged Jump Drive it has. Please note that this means that, for example, a ship with mass of 200,000 kg and a ship with mass of 1,250,000 kg (Nearly six times greater mass) will be able to jump the same maximum distance and will be consuming the same amount of power for jumping the same distance.Any ship that has mass greater than 1,250,000kg will have its maximum jump distance reduced (from the maximum of 2,000km


for each fully charged Jump Drive) depending on the mass of the ship, in a non-linear fashion. The reduction of maximum jump distance is steeper for ships with less mass (closer to 1,250,000kg), and much less steep for ships with more mass (approaching 1,250,000kg).

Jump range = Max jump distance × Max jump mass × Number of Jump Drives / Total mass to be transported
Note: You cannot perform jumps shorter than 5km


, and the range cannot exceed 2,000km


per Jump Drive.
Simplified formula
R = 2500 × J / M
R ≤ 2000 × J
M ≤ 500 × J

Where R is the maximum jump range in kilometers, J is the number of jump drives, and M is the total mass in millions of kilograms (Gigagrams)

Tables & Graphs

Note that these values are for one Jump Drive. For multiple Jump Drives the values scale linearly, meaning that the ship of the same mass, but with two Jump Drives, will be able to jump twice the distance than what the graph shows, and a ship with three Jump Drives three times the distance, etc. These values have been acquired by precise in-game testing and then graphed.

Useful coordinates

These are some convenient jump-able GPS coordinates near each planet and moon:

  • GPS:jump-point.alien:236731.28:131129.7:5730951.35:#FFFFA1B6:
  • GPS:jump-point.earth:0:73803.26:-73701.05:#FFFFA1B6:
  • GPS:jump-point.europa:916459.73:2642.26:1616308.71:#FFFFA1B6:
  • GPS:jump-point.mars:1133729.8:131032.91:1631137.34:#FFFFA1B6:
  • GPS:jump-point.moon:12889.6:148147.05:-108377.82:#FFFFA1B6:
  • GPS:jump-point.titan:36454.95:239834.64:5796389.08:#FFFFA1B6:



  • After jumping any distance with the Jump Drive, you cannot jump again until fully recharged. However, since the power drained from the Jump Drive is proportional to the distance of your jump divided by the maximum jump distance, you can jump around multiple times with short recharge times if you make smaller leaps.
  • The largest possible jump distance is 69,483 km with 35 jump drives, after which additional drives provide no benefit.


Note: The action of jumping cannot be automated.

Update History

Update 01.090
  • Jump Drive introduced
Jump Drive - Space Engineers Wiki (2025)


How much power does a jump drive need for space engineers? ›

This large-grid block is 2x3x3 blocks in size and it works the same no matter where on the ship you put it or which way round it faces. It requires a charge of 3MWh, so make sure the ship can store or generate that much power.

How long does it take to charge a jump drive in space engineers? ›

Expected behavior: Jump drives charge in 5 minutes, 37.5 seconds given full input power. Actual behavior: Jump drives charge in 7 minutes, 1 second.

Are jump drives airtight in Space Engineers? ›

Blocks That Are Airtight

Both assemblers, large O2/H2 generator, jump drives, merge blocks, timers, parachute hatch, small artificial mass, collector, batteries, small hydrogen tank, ...

Are small batteries worth it Space Engineers? ›

Fits small ship

It is very compact at 1x1x1 blocks size, which makes it best suitable for building small short-range drones. You can also keep a Small Battery set to "Recharge" on a vehicle, and when your main batteries have run dry and you need a bit of emergency backup power, you can switch it to "Auto".

What is the fastest you can go in space engineers? ›


Currently the speed can be set from 0 (negative values will be set to 0) to half of the speed of light (149 896 229 m/s – bigger values will be clamped). Warning: Changing the max speed can cause frame issues and difficulties calculating values at speeds higher than 100m/s.

How do you enable cheats in space engineers? ›

The Spawn menu is a creative tool that allows Admins to spawn in items and “cheat in” game objects for free. In Survival Mode, use the Admin Screen to give yourself Creative Tools. The Spawn menu can then be accessed by pressing (SHIFT+F10 key) while a game is running.

How long do days last in space engineers? ›

The sun moving instead of the planets rotating also means that the length of a day is the same on each planet (by default 2 hours, this can be configured in the World Settings).

How much power can a battery store Space Engineers? ›

Large grid battery: Max output: 12 MW. Max input: 12 MW. Max stored power: 3 MWh.

Can you go faster than 100m Space Engineers? ›

Currently the speed can be set from 0 (negative values will be set to 0) to half of the speed of light (149 896 229 m/s – bigger values will be clamped). Warning: Changing the max speed can cause frame issues and difficulties calculating values at speeds higher than 100m/s.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.