Resident Evil 4 Remake All Puzzles Solutions Guide (2025)

This guide shows all puzzles in Resident Evil 4 Remake with their locations and solutions. There are 10 main puzzles throughout the game. Most of them are required to advance the main story but some are optional for collectibles.

This guide lists them in chronological order by chapter.

PuzzleSolutions Overview

  • Chapter 2 – Village Chief Manor: Enter cabinet codeCrops – Pig – Baby, insert Crystal Marble on door and spin it until it until it overlaps with the symbol on the door.
  • Chapter 4 – Lake Door Symbols: Check the surroundings for yellow drawings, those are the symbols to enter at the doors
  • Chapter 4 – Hexagon Disc Puzzle:On Assisted/Standard = Spin left x1, spin top x1, On Hardcore/Pro:Spin right side x2, Spin left side x2, Spin top x1
  • Chapter 4 – Church Window: Spin the colored windows until they fill out the entire window around the parasite symbol.
  • Chapter 7 – Treasury Swords: From Left to Right enter Swords in following order – Iron Sword, Golden Sword, Bloodied Sword, Rusted Sword
  • Chapter 8 – Lithographic Stones:Left = Orange Helmet in Hexagon / Top = Orange Shield in Square / Right = Blue Sword in Square / Bottom = Blue Armor in Hexagon
  • Chapter 9 – Dining Hall: Ashley on 2nd chair on right, Leon on last chair on left
  • Chapter 9 – Clock Time: 11:04 on Assisted/Standard, 7:00 on Hardcore/Professional
  • Chapter 9 – Mausoleum Lamps:Left = Half-Moon / Right = Star / Top = Full Moon
  • Chapter 13-14 – Power Calibration: Reroute Power so that all power nodes light up (see images in guide below)

Chapter 2

Village Chief’s Manor – Image-Lock & Crystal Marble Puzzle

In Village Chief’s Manor you must interact with the cabinet and enter the following code:Crops – Pig – Baby.

This gives you the Crystal Marble.Go upstairs, enter the Crystal Marble in the door androtate it so that the shape of the little white dots in the marble lines up perfectly with the figure behind it. It looks like a parasite when done correctly. The images below show the correct shape.

Chapter 4

Lake – Symbol Door Locks Puzzle (Cave Shrine Murals)

In the Lake you have to investigate two locations to get key items. Each location has a pedestal with icons on it that opens a locked door (cave shrine murals). You must press the 3 correct icons. These icons can be found in the environment as yellow drawings in the surrounding area.

North-East Door Solution:

South-West Door Solution:

Lake – Spin Hexagon Disc at Lake Shrine Puzzle

First you must have found all 3 HexagonPieces. One next to the merchant in the Cave at Quarry, one in Fish Farm in a chest, one in the north-east corner of the lake behind the door where you must enter 3 symbols to enter. Then insert the discs on the shrine in the west of the lake.

You can solve this puzzle in two moves on Assisted/Standard:spinleft disc, then spin top disc.

On Hardcore/Pro:Spin right side x2, Spin left side x2, Spin top x1.

The resulting image will look like a Kraken looking from the top at a person drowning in the water below. It’s recommended to create a manual save BEFORE spinning any discs here. If you make a mistake it can get complicated to untangle it. Then it would be easier to reload the last save and do it in 2 moves by only spinning the left and top disc once.

Church – Colored Church Window Puzzle

Spin the blue, red, green windows so that they fill out the entire window around the parasite symbol.

Chapter 7

Treasury – Swords Puzzle

In the treasury are 4 portraits of knights and swords. First pull the 3 swords from the portraits (one portrait is missing a sword).

In same room, there will be a gate and a string you can pull. Pull the string, shoot the 3 hanging icons displayed on the gate (Viper on right through gate, Stag on left where you pulled the string, Eagle on right through the gate). Then the gate will open and you can pick up the Bloodied Sword behind.

Now to solvethe puzzle insert the swords on the frames in the following order from LEFT to RIGHT:Iron Sword, Golden Sword, Bloodied Sword, Rusted Sword.

Chapter 8

Bindery – Lithographic StonesPuzzle

Inside the Bindery, pick up the 3 Lithographic Stones and insert them on the door in the same room.Youmust place each stone in the correct slot. Each stone has 2 icons showing either a blue or orange icon, and either a square or hexagon around it. Match each icon to the correct color and square or hexagon.

Left = Orange Helmet in Hexagon / Top = Orange Shield in Square / Right = Blue Sword in Square / Bottom = Blue Armor in Hexagon.

Chapter 9

Dining Hall Puzzle

In the Dining Hall, Ashley and you must sit in the correct spot, which is shown on the portraits of the king and queen at the end of the dining hall. Command Ashley to sit in the 2nd chair on the right. Leon must sit at the last chair on the left.

Library – Clock Puzzle

In the Library while playing as Ashley there are two Clocks. Enter the correct time. It’s the same time for both clocks.

  • 11:04 on Assisted/ Standard difficulty
  • 7:00 on Hardcore / Professional difficulty

Mausoleum – Lamp Puzzle

In the Mausoleum while playing as Ashley, you must place 3 lamps in the correct order.

Left = Half-Moon / Right = Star / Top = Full Moon

Chapter 13 & Chapter 14

Electronic Lock Terminal – Power Calibration Puzzle (Power Generator / Switchboard / Reroute Power)

The solution to the Electronic Lock Puzzles varies by difficulty. Assisted/Standard share one solution and Hardcore/Professional shareone solution.

Dissection Room – Assisted/Standard:

Dissection Room – Hardcore/Professional:

Freezer Room– Assisted/Standard:

Freezer Room– Hardcore/Professional:

Waste Disposal– Assisted/Standard:

Waste Disposal– Hardcore/Professional:

Those are all puzzles in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

For anything else needed for 100% Completion refer toResident Evil 4 Remake Collectible Guide.

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Resident Evil 4 Remake All Puzzles Solutions Guide (2025)
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