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The Chosen of Shar

Type Companion Quest
Act Act 1-2
Companion Shadowheart
Reward Spear of Night(obtained as an objective)
Selune's blessing (Free Nightsong)
Moonlight Glaive(Free Nightsong)

The Chosen of Shar is a Companion Quest in Baldur's Gate 3. The Chosen of Shar can be acquired from Shadowheartduring Act 1. Completing The Chosen of Shar will progress Shadowheart's story progression forward and is a subquest of The Daughter of Darkness.

The Chosen of SharObjectives

Find the Dark Justiciar's Lair
  • Shadowheart has shown interest in finding the lair of the Dark Justiciar - an elite force dedicated to her goddess Shar.
  • We found murals in the grove that seemed to depict an ancient order of Sharran warriors - the Dark Justiciars. Further signs of their presence - historical or otherwise - may lie elsewhere.
  • We found a finely sculpted idol of the goddess Shar, and decided to gift it to Shadowheart. She was greatly pleased; the discovery of such a piece bolstered her hopes of uncovering further signs of a Dark Justiciar presence.
  • The Archdruid Halsin described how there was once an entire army of Dark Justiciars that waged war against followers of Selûne, long ago. The rites of becoming a Dark Justiciar are no mean feat - they must have had a substantial lair in order to train and anoint a force of such size.
  • We found an ancient temple of Selûne that had seemingly been razed by Dark Justiciars in the past. Such a force must have had a stronghold to operate from. Perhaps it can still be found.
Explore Grymforge
  • We entered the ruins of what may have been a fortress dedicated to the goddess Shar. We could be close to the Dark Justiciar's lair.
  • We found the corpses of several Dark Justiciars - Shar must have been worshipped here.
  • We found the corpses of several Dark Justiciars - Shar must have been worshipped here. Shadowheart suggested we search for answers.
  • We found traces of Hellish fiends. Could they have killed the Dark Justiciars? If so, where is their temple of Shar?
Reach the Ancient Temple
  • We learned that Grymforge leads to an ancient temple. Perhaps the truth of what happened to the Dark Justiciars can be discovered there.
  • The bridge to the ancient temple has been destroyed - there must be another way in.
  • The cultists were trying to find an ancient temple, but the bridge has been destroyed. If we find another way in, we might discover what happened to the Dark Justiciars.
  • It seems that there are limits to Shadowheart's resistance to the shadow curse - she is as vulnerable as anyone wherever the shadows are strongest. Perhaps her goddess tests her.
  • A great many Dark Justiciars seem to have perished while fighting near the graveyard. We must be drawing close to the place Shadowheart wishes to find.
  • We discovered that Shadowheart possesses a certain amount of resistance to the ill effects of the shadow curse. It seems that this must be due to Shar's patronage - but given the mercurial nature of the dark goddess, the extent of her protection remains to be seen.
  • We discovered the remains of long-dead Dark Justiciars in the ruined town of Reithwin. It seems they fought to the death in an effort to defend something important to them.
Explore the Gauntlet of Shar.
  • We discovered an ancient temple dedicated to Shar. This will be of great interest to Shadowheart - we should investigate further with her.
  • We reached the place that Shadowheart had been seeking - an ancient temple dedicated to Shar. We should investigate further.
Complete the trials of Shar
  • Shadowheart realised that this temple is the legendary Gauntlet of Shar - a proving ground where initiates would seek to become Dark Justiciars. After investigating an altar, she learned that a series of trials must be overcome in order to be anointed a warrior of Shar. Shadowheart wishes to complete the trials and become a Dark Justiciar herself.
Find the Spear of Night
  • Shadowheart revealed to us that in order to become a Dark Justiciar, she must first acquire a weapon called the Spear of Night, hidden somewhere in the Silent Library.
Proceed with the trials of Shar
  • We have found the Spear of Night. Now we only need to clear the way to the Inner Sanctum of the Gauntlet of Shar, where Shadowheart seeks to be anointed as a Dark Justiciar.
Venture into the Inner Sanctum.
  • We have cleared the way to the Inner Sanctum. Shadowheart is now very close to proving herself to Shar and becoming a Dark Justiciar. We should accompany her downwards.
  • We have surmounted all the trials and cleared the way to the Inner Sanctum. Shadowheart is now very close to proving herself to Shar and becoming a Dark Justiciar. We should accompany her downwards.
Help Shadowheart finally become a Dark Justiciar.
  • We retrieved the Spear of Night. Now we only need to venture through the Inner Sanctum to where Shadowheart's final test awaits. If she succeeds, she shall be anointed as a Dark Justiciar.
  • We have entered the Shadowfell - Shar's very own realm. We must descend to where a final test awaits Shadowheart.
  • After praying to Shar, Shadowheart told us that she needs to proceed to where a final test awaits her. If she succeeds, she shall be anointed as a Dark Justiciar.
Defeat Balthazar.
  • We have decided to turn on Balthazar. Now we must defeat him so that Shadowheart can deal with Nightsong.
  • We have entered the Shadowfell - Shar's very own realm. We must descend to where a final test awaits Shadowheart. However, Balthazar, necromancer and ally of Ketheric Thorm, is also present, and may pose a threat to Shadowheart's ambitions if we do not intervene.
  • Shadowheart died. We won't be able to bring her back.
  • Shadowheart left our party and won't return.
  • We surrendered Nightsong to Balthazar, who took her away to Moonrise Towers. Enraged, Shadowheart turned on us.
  • We convinced Shadowheart to turn her back on Shar's wishes, and instead free Nightsong. Rather than become a Dark Justiciar, Shadowheart will instead likely face dire consequences for her actions.
  • We decided Nightsong's fate for ourselves, ignoring Shadowheart's wishes. This is bound to anger her greatly.
  • Shadowheart wielded the Spear of Night and killed Nightsong. Greatly pleased, Shar rewarded Shadowheart, and gave her a new mission to pursue.

The Chosen of Shar Walkthrough

The Chosen of Shar is naturally updated as you progress through the Main Storyline with Shadowheart and continue to follow the objectives listed under her main Companion Quests: Daughter of Darkness. This quest begins after you rescue HalsinduringRescue the Druid Halsin.

Find the Dark Justciar's lair

  • Shadowheart has shown interest in finding the lair of the Dark Justiciar - an elite force dedicated to her goddess Shar.
  • The Archdruid Halsin described how there was once an entire army of Dark Justiciars that waged war against followers of Selûne, long ago. The rites of becoming a Dark Justiciar are no mean feat - they must have had a substantial lair in order to train and anoint a force of such size.

After you saved DruidHalsinand killed all the goblin leaders,Halsinwill suggest you travel toMoonrise Towersthrough theUnderdark. He also mentions there's a group of Shar's Chosen in Underdark, which interestsShadowheartand updates the Journals forThe Chosen of Shar. You will need to reach theUnderdarkwhich has more than one route. If you are following the Main Storyline, the Underdark will be the next location you can head to after rescuingHalsinforRescue the Druid Halsin, one of your Main Subquests related toFind a Cure. To find Halsin, you can follow the stepshere.

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Reach theUnderdarkusing one of the multiple routes. You can reach this location from theovergrown tunnel orGoblin Camp,Shattered Sanctum. In theShattered Sanctum, there is a Door to the west to theDefiled Temple(X:392 Y:27), where there will be a puzzle room that you can get through. You may encounterPolma, the Bodyguard of the High Priestess. The dialog shows that a theft has been reported, and you are the only suspect. You are given the following choices:

  1. Hand over the stolen items.
  2. Try to talk your way out of the situation.
  3. Perhaps a little gold could smooth this over? (652)
  4. Attack.

Next, you will get another set of choices. Attempting the Intimidation check(Charisma) will require you to pass a DC of 15. Failing this will result in a battle against theOgre.

There will be discs on the floor that will need to be aligned so that the black dots are collected on the lower circle. Solving this will open a passage ahead to theUnderdark. Complete the area and when you move on, you'll be able to travel toGrymforgevia theUnderdark Duergar Boatat theUnderdark Beachpier.

If you manage to reach the Dark Justiciar's lair -the Gauntlet of Shar without going through Grymforge, the Grymforge objective may be skipped. You will either be tasked to reach the ancient temple or explore Grymforge.

Underdark Camp

When you Camp and rest in theUnderdark,Shadowheartwill continue to share her thoughts.Shadowheart will approach you and asks if it's a good time to share something. She will ask you to use the tadpole and communicate with her to come into her mind. You will now get the following options:

  1. Are you sure?
  2. What am I going to see?
  3. Use the parasite to explore her mind.

Upon using the tadpole's power, Shadowheart begins to share a piece of her past, at the time that she was fleeing. A vision of a young Shadowheart came face-to-face with a Wolf as Lady Shar saved her and gave her a new home. Shadowheart tells you that she can't remember anything before that vision. With your knowledge, you recall a familiar Selunite rites of passage, about how they would send their children out into the wilds, to navigate their way home. You will get the following options to respond to Shadowheart:

  1. No wonder you're so dedicated to Shar- you feel like you owe your life to her.
  2. You looked like you were wearing a Moonstone... isn't that commonly worn by Selunites?
  3. Thank you for sharing that with me. I know it can't have been easy.

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Back to the present time, and if you choose the 2nd option, Shadowheart dismisses this and tells you that you're reading too much into things. You can continue your conversation with Shadowheart to progress with theDaughter of Darknessquest, and you discover that Shadowheart was sent on a mission by her Mother Superior. This will also make progress in your relationship withShadowheartif you choose to do so. Then, you get the next options:

  1. You seemed intrigued when Halsin mentioned Dark Justicians before.
  2. I want to talk about your Shar worship.
  3. You and I... we share something special, I think. I want to talk about it.
  4. I want to talk about all that's happened to us.
  5. We should journey separately for now. I'll see you whenever we camp.
  6. Leave.

You can decide if you want to keep her in your party or have someone else take over. When you're done with your companion dialogues and quests in the Underdark, you will now continue to travel toGrymforgeon the boat.

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  • Note: In order to fend off the Shadow Curse, ensure you havego throughSeek Protection from the Shadow Cursein the Ruined Battlefield before you venture to theGrand Mausoleum. Once you have completed the ambush, you will be able to obtain the Moon Lantern. The Moon Lantern can also be inspected to obtain the Filigreed Feywild Bell which can grant part members thePixie Blessing.Pixie Blessing Condition: The Shadow Curse cannot affect this creature thanks to a pixie's protective magic.

There are a few areas, Items and Locations that will trigger updates for the quest,The Chosen of Shar

  • TraveltoGrymforge,Shadowheartnotices some there are bodies belonging to Shar's justiciars.
  • You can find a small Shar statuette at Grymforge (X:-648, Y:362 ) and gift it to Shadowheart.
  • You can find Night Orchid at Ruined Battlefield (X:54, Y:175) and gift it to Shadowheart.
  • You can find clues of Nightsong once you reachedGauntlet of Shar.
  • While exploringGrymforgeyou will find many skeletons clad in the same dark armor, which leads toShadowheartcomment that theywere Dark Justiciars.
  • As you stumble on aMetallic Mask, theQuestwill be updated, as the group will reach the conclusion that some hellish fiends could have killed the Shar worshipers.
  • Upon opening the doors past whereNerewas trapped, you discover the bridge to the ancient temple has been destroyed - there must be another way in.
  • You can find Night Orchid at Ruined Battlefield (X:54, Y:175) and gift it to Shadowheart.

These interactions throughout the Grymforge will record the following journals:

  • We found a finely sculpted idol of the goddess Shar, and decided to gift it to Shadowheart. She was greatly pleased; the discovery of such a piece bolstered her hopes of uncovering further signs of a Dark Justiciar presence.
  • We entered the ruins of what may have been a fortress dedicated to the goddess Shar. We could be close to the Dark Justiciar's lair.
  • We found the corpses of several Dark Justiciars - Shar must have been worshipped here. Shadowheart suggested we search for answers.
  • We found traces of Hellish fiends. Could they have killed the Dark Justiciars? If so, where is their temple of Shar?
  • We gifted Shadowheart a Night Orchid - her favourite flower. She was greatly appreciative of the gesture.

You will eventually be presented with the objective to Investigate the Gauntlet of Shar in Act 2

Act 2

Reach the ancient temple.

  • We discovered the Gauntlet of Shar - a huge, ancient temple dedicated to the dark goddess. Shadowheart will surely want to investigate further.

The Gauntlet of SharisaLocationinBG3encountered in Act 2. Your actions here will be recorded for a related Companion Quest:The Chosen of Shar. To reach the Gauntlet of Shar, you have to be within the Reithwin Graveyard inGrand Mausoleum.

Grand Mausoleum

The Mausoleum’s entrance can be found in the northwestern area of theReithwin Masons’ Guild, at the graveyard. Raphael will be waiting for you near the entrance if you have theQuestKill Raphael’s Old Enemyactive, along with its corresponding part of theCompanion QuestThe Pale Elf. When yougothrough the iron fence, you’ll hear a talking skull telling you to beat it, but it won’t do anything else if you interact with it. A part of Ketheric Thorm’s diary sits near his diseased wife’s coffin. Other parts as scattered around this area if you want to look into his past. In the eastern area of this first area, you can find a locked Traveller’s Chest at (X:-259, Y:-882). It has a lockpicking DC of 14 and contains the Vivacious Cloak, some alchemy materials, some valuables, and possibly a potion or two.

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Loot the rest of the area as much as you’d like, and then head over to the northern section. The plaque here reveals that Isobel is Ketheric’s daughter and that the tomb here belonged to her. SuccessfulPerceptionchecks here will reveal traps on the vents and various tiles on the floor, as well as gargoyle heads on the walls, all around the room.In order to reveal the path, you need to press the buttons under the 3 paintings in a specific order. This order is listed below but can be obtained from a book in the area:

  1. Start with the button below theMoonrise Towers(X:-248 Y:-848) painting first
  2. Then theGrief(X:-278 Y:-842) painting beside it,
  3. Finally, the last button underKetheric Thorm’s(X:-280 Y:-830) painting.

After pressing the corresponding buttons, the wallsbeside thelast painting willopen upand allow you to pass through. You'll find a platform there with a Traversal Gem, interact with it totravel down the Gauntlet of Shar.There are 4Umbral Gems in Gauntlet of Shar, you need to collect all of them in order to progressShadowheart'spersonal quest,Daughter of Darkness:The Chosen of Shar.

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Gauntlet of Shar
  • We discovered an ancient temple dedicated to Shar. This will be of great interest to Shadowheart - we should investigate further with her.
  • We reached the place that Shadowheart had been seeking - an ancient temple dedicated to Shar. We should investigate further.

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In the initial chamber of Gauntlet of Shar, there is a small statue holding an orb. You'll get pushed back if you attempt to approach it. In order to solve this puzzle, you need toexplorethe side rooms and pull the levers to lower all the lanterns. Then interact with them to extinguish the light.When the room is completely shrouded in darkness, you'll seethepattern on the floor. Use only one character to crouch-walk and avoid the glowing lines. This lets you touch the orb to unlock the doorway.

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In order to complete the Gauntlet of Shar, you need to collect 4 Umbral Gems and reach the inner Sanctum.

  • One Umbral Gem can be acquired by defeating Yurgir (QuestKill Raphael's Old Enemy). He can be found in the east part of the temple. You can ask him to recite his contract and find the loophole in it, and deceive him into killing his own minions, even himself. (If you want to side with Yurgir, you need to find the last alive Justiciar. Who has been turned into rats by Raphael. You need to find the BrokenEffigy at Shar Statue's feet. Read the book and learn the Rats' story.Doing so can avoidthe fight with Yurgir. And later easier to get his help when you sneak into Rapheal's House of Hope and confront the archdevil. Yurgir is also a potential ally inGather Your Allies. But you can still persuade Yurgir to join you even if you killed him here.)

Complete the trials of Shar

  • Shadowheart realised that this temple is the legendary Gauntlet of Shar - a proving ground where initiates would seek to become Dark Justiciars. After investigating an altar, she learned that a series of trials must be overcome in order to be anointed a warrior of Shar. Shadowheart wishes to complete the trials and become a Dark Justiciar herself.

The Other 3 Umbral Gems can be Acquired by completing Sharran trials:

  • Soft-step Trial: You need to skulk to the end of the maze without being spotted by the shadows. Using an invisibility spell and turn base mode works well. But be careful of the traps. You need to find Soft-Step Key (on the table of a hidden room) or uselockpick to open the final gate. Alternatively, you can useDimension Door to bypass this trial.
  • Self-Same Trial:This trial forces youto fight a clone of your parties. To make the battle a lot easier, get naked before you offer blood tothe ritualbowl, and reequip your team before the battle starts. The clone teamhas the ability todip in and out of the shadows. Each time a party member hits a clone that is not their own, that member will suffer a debuff reducing all ability scores. Killing the clone will not remove that debuff, it lasts until the next long rest. After the fight, you can pickKiller's Sweetheartring on the floor.
  • Faith-Step trial:The room will be plunged into darkness after you offered the blood, and you need to remember the location of platforms to reach the Umbral Gem. However, you can use the Daylight spell to light the entire room, or use Fly or Dimension Door spell to reach the final platform.

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Silent Library

Once you've completed the trials, continue heading south and at this location (X:-756 Y:-753) is the Silent Library. You'll notice there's a white barrier at the entrance, you can go through but you will beSilencedand you'll be unable to cast any spells. There will be several Justiciar enemies in the area, if you want to avoid combat, you can try tosneak attack them with ranged attacks. They don't seem to get triggered by getting damaged, which will make this section easier. Once you've slain all the enemies in the area,press the button on the far right corner of the room (X:-778 Y:-751) to unlock the gate to the Treasure Room. Once you enter the room, disarm all of the traps first, then look for the book called Teachings of Loss: The Nightsinger, then interact with the plinth and place the book. After placing the book,the door to Treasure Room will be opened.

Find the Spear of Night

  • Shadowheart revealed to us that in order to become a Dark Justiciar, she must first acquire a weapon called the Spear of Night, hidden somewhere in the Silent Library.
  • After you complete all 3 trials, keep venturing until you reached the Silent Library. After defeating the enemies, press the buttons to unlock the gate to Treasure Room. Interact with the plinth and put the bookTeachings of Loss: The Nightsinger on it. That book is the answer to"What can silence the Nightsong?”

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  • (Disarm the trap before taking the book.)

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Once you Placed the right book, the door to Treasure Room will be open. Inside there areDark Justiciar Helmet,Dark Justiciar Half-Plate, and the weapon to kill the Nightsong --Spear of Night. Once you collect all 4 Umbral Gems, Insert them into the Ancient Altar.

  • We have found the Spear of Night. Now we only need to clear the way to the Inner Sanctum of the Gauntlet of Shar, where Shadowheart seeks to be anointed as a Dark Justiciar.

Once you activate the floating platform, Shadowheart will interrupt and tell you to wait.

  1. What's wrong?
  2. This isn't another of your episodes, is it?
  3. Glance around.

If you ask her whats wrong, she will say nothing, but if you insist, she will say that she finally feels she's on the right track under Lady Shar's gaze.

Venture into the Inner Sanctum.

  • We have cleared the way to the Inner Sanctum. Shadowheart is now very close to proving herself to Shar and becoming a Dark Justiciar. We should accompany her downwards.
  • We have surmounted all the trials and cleared the way to the Inner Sanctum. Shadowheart is now very close to proving herself to Shar and becoming a Dark Justiciar. We should accompany her downwards.

When you are ready, step on the newly activated platform ahead. Enter the Inner Sanctum to reach your nextobjective.

Complete the trials of Shar

  • Shadowheart realised that this temple is the legendary Gauntlet of Shar - a proving ground where initiates would seek to become Dark Justiciars. After investigating an altar, she learned that a series of trials must be overcome in order to be anointed a warrior of Shar. Shadowheart wishes to complete the trials and become a Dark Justiciar herself.

If you didn't previously complete the rest of the trials, your objective here will be to complete the rest of the trails to obtains the next 3 gems and insert them in this Ancient Altar which requires 3 Umbral Gems. If you have the gems ready, insert them into the Ancient altar to open theStone Doors ahead.

Head in and you will discover a new Waypoint and you will have three platforms ahead representing the Gift of Mercy, the Gift of Darkness, and the Gift of Secrets. Go ahead. and interact with the Shadowfell Entrance to begin the next cutscene and introduce the final test. Shadowheartwill need to Descend to the Nightsong, Make a sacrifice, and Rise again a Dark Justiciar.

Shadowheart will need to pray. You can respond with:

  1. Shadowheart...?
  2. There'll be time to pray later - let's move.
  3. [WISDOM] Use the power of the parasite. Feel inside Shadowheart's mind.
  4. Leave her to her prayers.

If you use Wisdom and succeed you will feel the presence of Shar and you'll start to hear her communicate with Shadowheart. She will tell her to take the spear, step forward and strike down the Selunite. Shadowheart will disapprove of your choice to read her mind since that wasn't for you to hear.

Help Shadowheart finally become a Dark Justiciar.

  • After praying to Shar, Shadowheart told us that she needs to proceed to where a final test awaits her. If she succeeds, she shall be anointed as a Dark Justiciar.

Before you proceed, a warning will pop up. Depending on your choices, the state of the region could change andsome active quests may become unavailable. Your actions here will also be recorded for the Journals of Find Ketheric Thorm's Relic.

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Step in through the Shadowfell Entrance to continue and a cutscene will begin. This will take you into the Shadowfell. You will also be greeted by Balthazar. You can confront him and respond from the following choices:

  1. I was hoping for something more substantial than 'thanks.'
  2. How did you get here?
  3. What is this place?
  4. I cleared the way to this place, not you. W Why shouldn't I just kill you instead of letting you interfere?
  5. Lead on, then.
  6. Attack.

If you choose option 1, he will eventually end the conversation and you can proceed through the Nightsong's Prison. Continue to descend. You should be able to use Jump to get to the lower platforms. Continue down following the Justiciar Soulhunter. Head all the way down and you will find Nightsong. When you can finally respond, you have the following options:

  1. Wait - the Nightson is a person?
  2. What are you going to do to her?
  3. I can't let you take her, Balthazar.
  4. Attack him.

Yourchoices here will decide the ending for the quest. The events that occur here will also update the journals for:Find Ketheric Thorm's RelicandInfiltrate Moonrise Towers. Refer to the endings to decide your next steps.

The Chosen of Shar Endings.

  • Allow Shadowheart to become Dark Justiciar. You will need to have obtained theSpear of Night for this to be possible and you will need todefeatBalthazar.
  • ShadowheartsparesNightsong. This will require your to attack Balthazar.This will leadNightson to head for Moonrise Towers to kill Ketheric Thorm.
  • SpareBalthazarand allow him to takeNightsongtoKetheric Thorm. He will explain that Aylin is an aasimar, bound to a soul cage of his creation to lend her power to General Thorm.

View the steps below on how to achieve each ending.

Defeat Balthazar - Ending 1 & 2

The first twoendings will require you to defeat Balthazar. Face Nightsong without Balthazar by attacking him. When you face Nightsong, you will have the following options:

  1. Trust Shadowheart - do not interfere.
  2. Do as you must.
  3. Is this truly what you want?
  4. Choose your own way, Shadowheart. You cannot allow your goddess to control you.
  5. Please Shadowheart. Don't do this.

Choose to trust her with the first option and Shadowheart will approve. You can follow up with the next options:

  1. Kill her. Let's finish this ritual,
  2. [persuasion] Don't do it, Shadowheart. Don't kill her- you'll regret it.
  3. She knows something about you. Spare her, and see what she has to say.
  4. Say nothing.

Continue with the ritual and encourage Shadowheart with the first response. Karlach will disapprove. This will result in Ending 1. Say nothing or tell Shadowheart to spare her during this interaction to get Ending 2 (Spare Nightsong). Telling Shadowheart to spare her will gain the approval of Karlach.

Ending 1: Help Shadowheart finally become a Dark Justiciar.

Allow Shadowheart to kill Nightsong with the Spear of Night and she will become a Dark Justiciar.Your next objective as part of the Daughter of Darknessquest will be to Defeat Ketheric Thorm.

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Shadowheart wielded the Spear of Night and killed Nightsong. Greatly pleased, Shar rewarded Shadowheart, and gave her a new mission to pursue.

Ending 2: Spare Nightsong

If you say nothing or tell her to Spare Nightsong during the dialogue, Shadowheart will decide herselfto ultimately spare Nightsong leading to Ending 3. Shadowheart will ready her spear, but she will start to hesitate, and then throw away the spear. She'll then say Lady Shar will disown her. Shadowheart will then touch Nightsong to release her from her prison. Nightsong will then receive all her powers and armour back. She says Shadowheart has great power, but she will also need a powerful weapon. She then asks if she is ready. Nightsong will be headed toward the Moonlight Towers to go after Ketheric Thorm.

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We convinced Shadowheart to turn her back on Shar's wishes, and instead free Nightsong. Rather than become a Dark Justiciar, Shadowheart will instead likely face dire consequences for her actions.

Freeing the Nightsong will grant you Selune's blessing and a Moonlight Glaive. As you travel through the portal, Shadowheart goes out for a moment. She tells you that she heard Lady Shar's voice after she defied her. She has been abandoned by her goddess and allies. Powerless, she will now seek answers from Dame Aylin. Afterward, you now get the option to respond to Shadowheart as you please if you want to progress your romance with her.

The Chosen of Shar Ending 3: Surrender Nightsong to Balthazar

If you decide to go see Nightsong without attacking Balthazar, you have the following dialogue options:

  1. If she's the reason Ketheric is invulnerable, you're not taking her. Leave, or you're a dead man.
  2. Go on, then. Take the Nightsong to Ketheric. Get it over with.
  3. Attack him.

If you choose option two and ask him to take the Nightsong to Ketheric,WyllandKarlachwilldisapprove. Allow the next scene to play out and she will be released. This willinspireShadowheart(Acolyte: Cerimonia Compedum) and complete the quest.

  • We decided Nightsong's fate for ourselves, ignoring Shadowheart's wishes. This is bound to anger her greatly.

If you choose this ending, Shadowheart will tell you off for denying her a chance to make a choice and she will no longer want to travel with you.

  1. Wait - I'm sorry. We can fix this.
  2. I did what's best for us. Trust me.
  3. Go on then. Leave.

Even if you tell her you can fix it, she will continue to leave the party.

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We surrendered Nightsong to Balthazar, who took her away to Moonrise Towers. Enraged, Shadowheart turned on us.

Other Outcomes:

Other outcomes will be recorded should something happen to Shadowheart:

  • Shadowheart left our party and won't return.
  • Shadowheart died. We won't be able to bring her back.

How to unlock The Chosen of Shar

  • Halsin - after defeating the goblins.

The Chosen of SharRewards

  • Spear of Night (obtained as an objective)
  • Selune's blessing (Free Nightsong)
  • Moonlight Glaive (Free Nightsong)

The Chosen of Shar Notes & Tips

  • Notes & tips go here
Companion Quests in Baldur's Gate 3

A Familiar FaceBalthazar's ExperimentDaughter of DarknessDecide Minthara's FateIn Case of Death...Our fiery friendThe Blade of FrontiersThe Githyanki WarriorThe Grand DukeThe Hellion's HeartThe High HarperThe Pale ElfThe UrgeThe Wizard of Waterdeep

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.